Difficulty focusing
You know those days. You lock yourself out of your apartment, then try to get into the wrong car (hey, to be fair, it is the same color as yours!). Or you make a pile of all the supplements you need to take, only to find them sitting on the counter an hour later because you just…completely forgot. You used to get things done like a boss, so what the heck is happening? One possibility is that you’re simply distracted. We all have those days where our mind is preoccupied with something else we have to do, or we’re harping on a particular worry. Or, we actively distract ourselves (some call it multitasking) with music, work, Insta, all at the same time, which makes it almost impossible to focus. Or…newsflash… we’re simply tired or exhausted from being go-go-go all the time. If any of that sounds like you, your brain may simply need a break. If your difficulty focusing is ongoing, it also may be related to a health condition, such as ADHD, anxiety, depression, or an autoimmune disease, all of which can affect your mental abilities, or cognitive functioning. There are plenty of ways you may be able to improve your ability to focus, no matter the cause. First, try unplugging. Turn off your TV and quit Spotify, or at least switch to more soothing music. Don’t check your phone or email for a while, and turn off unnecessary notifications on your devices. If you’re worried about other tasks that loom ahead, make a list (on paper or digitally) of what you need to do or remember, then let it go for the moment. Don’t forget that many things in life are more difficult if you're not feeling well, so give yourself a pass—at least temporarily. Your health is more important than your to-do list! If your difficulty focusing or concentrating persists even when you unplug, check in with your practitioner. It’s no fun to not feel like yourself, and they can help you figure out where your symptom is coming from.
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