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Low-residue diet


A low-residue diet limits the amount of “residue” in your intestinal tract. “Residue” may sound like a weird term to use relative to your body, but in this case, it mainly refers to the undigested fiber that’s left over in your GI system. Your practitioner may recommend it as a short-term way to go easy on your gut if you have a bout of inflammation related to diverticulitis, IBD, or ulcerative colitis, or after intestinal surgery. The diet temporarily restricts the amount of fruits, vegetables, and grains (sources of the undigested fiber) to less than 10-15 grams a day, which reduces the size and number of your bowel movements. If you’re sensitive to milk and milk products, they may also be restricted because they can contribute to belly discomfort and diarrhea. (Don’t worry, fruit- and veggie-lovers—you’ll get to add them back. And think how much better your insides will feel when you’re back to normal!)

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